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Recherches de Ludovic Laronze : la valise du disparu examinée par les enquêteurs bénévoles

De nouvelles recherches pour retrouver Ludovic Laronze, habitant de Ruffiac (47) mystérieusement disparu en 2010, ont été menées jeudi 20 février à Poussignac. L’opération n’a rien donné mais les bénévoles de...

Ludovic Laronze, a resident of Ruffiac who disappeared mysteriously in 2010, was the subject of recent investigations by volunteers from the ARPD association. On February 20th, they examined a suitcase he had packed before going missing and explored the area near a well in Poussignac, where his phone's last signal was detected. Although no new leads were found during the operation, the volunteers have gained new insights to aid their ongoing efforts to solve the case.

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